Human Computation vs. Machine Learning: an Experimental Comparison for Image Classification




Image classification, Game with a Purpose


Image classification is a classical task heavily studied in computer vision and widely required in many concrete scientific and industrial scenarios. Is it better to rely on human eyes, thus asking people to classify pictures, or to train a machine learning system to automatically solve the task? The answer largely depends on the specific case and the required accuracy: humans may be more reliable - especially if they are domain experts - but automatic processing can be cheaper, even if less capable to demonstrate an "intelligent" behaviour.In this paper, we present an experimental comparison of different Human Computation and Machine Learning approaches to solve the same image classification task on a set of pictures used in light pollution research. We illustrate the adopted methods and the obtained results and we compare and contrast them in order to come up with a long term combined strategy to address the specific issue at scale: while it is hard to ensure a long-term engagement of users to exclusively rely on the Human Computation approach, the human classification is indispensable to overcome the "cold start" problem of automated data modelling.

Author Biography

Irene Celino, Cefriel - Politecnico di Milano

Research Manager in the area of Data and Citizen Science


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How to Cite

Re Calegari, G., Nasi, G., & Celino, I. (2018). Human Computation vs. Machine Learning: an Experimental Comparison for Image Classification. Human Computation, 5(1), 13-30.


